Smoke'em Poker 1.9 - BeerWare by Dave O'Brien ============================================= Software last updated : June 18, 1996 Readme.txt last updated: June 18, 1996 *** NOTE MY NEW WEB ADDRESS! UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS! *** *** *** (The help file still points to my old page at watcgl...) Description: ============ Smoke'em Poker is a freeware game of five-card draw poker. You play against up to 5 opponents simulated by the computer. Requirements: ============= - Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT Installation: ============= 1. If you received this program as a zip file (e.g. SEPKR19.ZIP), do the following (if not, skip to step 2): - Create a temporary folder on your hard disk. - Move the zip file into that folder. - Unzip it. Assuming that you have PKUNZIP in your path, you would type: PKUNZIP SEPKR19.ZIP 2. Run SETUP.EXE. This starts the installation program. It will install the necessary files onto your hard disk (in a folder of your choice), and will create the appropriate icons in the Program Manager (or in the Start menu in Windows 95). 3. If you unzipped the file (in step 1), you can then delete the temporary folder that you created. Note: Smoke'em Poker installs to a new folder by default (SEPKR19) and creates a new program group (Smoke'em Poker 1.9), so it won't affect any earlier versions that you may have installed. After satisfying yourself that 1.9 works OK, you should remove any earlier version(s). Playing The Game: ================= Once you've started the game, click "Options" to change the game settings. Note that some options take effect immediately, while others don't apply until a new game is started. You can start a new game at any time by clicking the "New Game" button. Each hand of five-card draw proceeds as follows: - ante and dealing - opening bets (no minimum hand to open) - discarding cards (1 discard of up to 3 cards) - closing bets - the showdown (where you win, lose, or tie) All standard poker hands are allowed, including ace-low straights (A-2-3-4-5). Check-raising (sandbagging) can be prohibited. If a computer player runs out of money, they're out of the game. If you run out of money, you can end the game or "Watch" the other players continue. At any time, you can view statistics and graphs for the current game, and odds for the current hand. On-line Help: ============= For complete documentation (including a list of what's new), see the on-line help. Redistribution: =============== Copyright (c) 1995-96 Dave O'Brien. All rights reserved. Smoke'em Poker is BeerWare - if you like it, have a beer! This is freeware, and can be freely copied and redistributed. The only restriction is for commercial CD-ROM compilations (see the on-line help for details). Just Deal It! Dave O'Brien ( 48 Northmanor Cr. Kitchener, Ontario Canada, N2N 3C2